A fortune cookie slip

Get a life.  And then write about it. What'd you last do on the project? What'd you last do on the project? Dude, you are *so* clueless.  I have to tell you all about your cluelessness. Get a life.  And then write about it. Get a life.  And then write about it. Get a life.  And then write about it. I've got to get out of here.  Can you send me somewhere else? I feel compelled to read more, but all there is old stuff. Diaryland is da bomb Current | Archives | Contact Me
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�Associative arrays in Delphi�
2004-05-07, 09:15:00

One of the most generally useful data structures to me are the hash, or the associative array. I got spoiled to them in PHP, and I was really happy when I found an implementation of them for Delphi.

Well, today I was writing some code in Delphi 7 and realized I needed that functionality, so I looked up the article and brief documentation page on the hashes unit. When I tried to download the latest version to put on the new WinXP Pro box I just migrated to at work (I still miss Win2K, though!) I received an error that the site could not be found, and all subsequent attempts to get there have been fruitless.


Since this is such a great resource, I am posting a copy of it on my website for download. Be kind - my server is hosted over my DSL connection, so if any other sites start linking it directly off my DSL I may have to take it down or blocking based on referers (but with very good upload, so don't let that turn you off).

Fortunately, the article is still up!

Please note that I imply no warranty for this code. Also, it may not be the latest, since I just put up what I had (version 2.6). Also, not being the author, I probably won't be fixing any bugs and can't provide you any support.

Quick update - be careful if you are using this unit while also using the IniFiles unit, at least in Delphi 7. It includes a definition of TStringHash in it, and you may see odd behavior because your objects are being defined as the TStringHash from IniFiles.pas.

To get past this behavior, place Hashes after IniFiles in your includes. Everything should be copacetic after that.




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